I created this group actually just to dumppost 2.5 Jigen no Ririsa whenever I want with my main Account, but still I'll mainly post about everything Kaorin in here 🥰 Enjoy your
I created this group actually just to dumppost 2.5 Jigen no Ririsa whenever I want with my main Account, but still I'll mainly post about everything Kaorin in here 🥰 Enjoy your
I created this group actually just to dumppost 2.5 Jigen no Ririsa whenever I want with my main Account, but still I'll mainly post about everything Kaorin in here 🥰 Enjoy your,クリスティ様♥21日以降までお取り置き♥でございます!,Sorry for the back-to-back posts, but a package of Christmas presents arrived today. 🎉🎊 And I'm happy because it brought some interesting collectibles, among them, the timer that comes in the deluxe,Sorry for the back-to-back posts, but a package of Christmas presents arrived today. 🎉🎊 And I'm happy because it brought some interesting collectibles, among them, the timer that comes in the deluxe,クリスティ様♥21日以降までお取り置き♥でございます!