Association between plasma L-carnitine levels and mitochondrial DNA copy number | BMC Molecular and Cell Biology | Full Text
Association between plasma L-carnitine levels and mitochondrial DNA copy number | BMC Molecular and Cell Biology | Full Text,Antimicrobial Activity of Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles from Syzygium aromaticum against the Five Most Common Microorganisms in the Oral Cavity,The genetics of neurodegenerative diseases is the genetics of age-related damage clearance failure | Molecular Psychiatry,Co-combustion of Zn/Cd-hyperaccumulator and textile dyeing sludge: Heavy metal immobilizations, gas-to-ash behaviors, and their temperature and atmosphere dependencies - ScienceDirect,Neurogenetic fetal akinesia and arthrogryposis: genetics, expanding genotype-phenotypes and functional genomics | Journal of Medical Genetics